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  • Meinung
Google verkauft falschen Datenschutz, der für sie gut und für Nutzer schlecht ist. Proton bietet eine Vision von Internet-Datenschutz mit starker Verschlüsselung und echter Wahlmöglichkeit.
  • Neuigkeiten zur Privatsphäre
Datenschutzexperten sagen, dass der vertrauliche Modus von Gmail weder sicher noch privat ist, da er keine Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung verwendet.
  • Meinung
Proton Mail is supporting the crowdfunding campaign for Disappear – Cover your online tracks, a new documentary project by the makers of Nothing to Hide.
  • Neuigkeiten von Proton
Open source is a core principle of Proton Mail. We’re excited to make even more of our code available (GoOpenPGP) for independent inspection and use by the developer community.
  • Produkt-Updates
  • Proton Mail
If you still use Internet Explorer, you will need to switch to a more secure, modern web browser to access Proton Mail.
Proton Mail for Journalist
  • Privatsphäre-Richtlinien
Proton Mail supports independent journalism. Our encrypted messages let journalists protect their sources and whistleblowers safely report wrongdoing.
  • Für Unternehmen
This infographic gives you some ways to spot top phishing email attacks.
  • Produkt-Updates
  • Proton Mail
Proton Mail has become the first and only encrypted email provider to support elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), providing more security and performance.
  • Neuigkeiten zur Privatsphäre
We have joined Privacy For All Act with 23 other tech companies to support better privacy safeguards.
  • Für Unternehmen
Malware and social engineering are the top two types of cybercrime methods businesses have to face. Here’s how to prevent these attacks from impacting your business.
  • Produkt-Updates
  • Proton Mail
Proton Mail supports the European Journalism Centre and their new project